Help us build this organization

The thousand mile journey starts with the first step and we are grateful for your support of our mission.

One-time Cash or Cryptocurrency Donations

Securely and quickly donate using card, bank, Apple or Google Pay, PayPal, Venmo, crypto, stocks, or DAF. Get a single annual for receipt all your tax-deductible donations.

Let’s Upgrade A School In Ghana

C2C welcomes individuals, groups, and companies to fundraise as a team to support digital modernization. Once the fundraising goal has been reached, C2C makes arrangements for the group’s travel to Ghana. Please email us to develop a customized campaign for your group.

Device Giveaway Fund

Help us provide our neighbors who need access to the internet with laptops/tablet, broadband access and the skills to use these tools for their participation in our one of a kind virtual exchange experience.

Product Donations

We have curated a list of electronic devices with Amazon Smile that will be delivered to participants of Connected to Culture programs in the United States and abroad.


Support The Next Generation of Female Leaders

Please help us fund scholarships that cover 1 academic year of mandatory school fees for young women in Ghana.

Help Us Get Back To Our Roots

We are also in need of materials to get our C2Community Garden cleared out and seeds planted. Our goal is to grow produce to create African-inspired meals and flowers to make essential oils.

Program Donations